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Your source for Boca Raton based skin treatments, beauty info, news, and more. As of September 2019 it is our 7 year anniversary and we are excited about the future. If you are a local Botox clinic or practitioner based in Boca Raton or Delray Beach, we would love to talk to you. We are also always happy to talk to local bloggers and influencers. The best way to reach out to us is on our contact us page.

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1605, 2013

Botox vs Face Yoga, WTF?

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Ok Face Yoga - this is the new thing for women in Los Angeles right now, I guess. Supposedly Gwyneth and Jen Aniston are using it as their secret weapon (a long with a TON of Botox) in looking younger. (who knows) Here is the deal on how to use Face Yoga: 1. Pretend you are at a sleepover with your friends and make the silliest faces you can [...]

1505, 2013

Miracle Doctor Uses Botox to Treat Burn Victim!

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Wow!  We are amazing with all the new and amazing ways that Botox is being used! According to a recent news report, a plastic surgeon in Europe was able to use Botox on a severe burn victim who was complaining of severe itching.  Dr Ourion of Los Angeles is raving about this amazing use of Botox. “It truly is amazing the number of uses that have been found for [...]

1505, 2013

Follow Up: Nevada Botox Bust Scandal

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This is now update number 3 to the scandal going on in Botox right now with Sandra Bledsoe, or whatever her name is. The NV Medical Board contacted the news channel, asking if they could use the evidence from their investigation in their upcoming case against her. (even though they previously sated this was a police matter) This is an ongoing investigation and no arrests have been made, although [...]

1205, 2013

Experts Question the Safety of Botox in the Longterm

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Lets get one thing out in the open - Botox is a deadly poison.  Although it is deemed safe by the FDA, no one really knows what is going to happen to people over the long term. When you use Botox in your face, you use microscopic amounts of the drug.  Simply change up the formula a little bit - bang, dead. In a recent news article, the Consumer [...]

1205, 2013

Genetically Modified “Botox Apples” Could Hit the Streets Soon

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Ok, first off these apples don't actually have Botox in them, or have anything to do with Botox at all. These genetically modified apples were simply named "Botox Apples" due to the fact that they do not bruise or wrinkle (kind of like your face) and were similar to the proprieties of a human face after Botox. Anyway - we thought since it has the word Botox in it, [...]