Welcome To Boca Skin Blog!
Your source for Boca Raton based skin treatments, beauty info, news, and more. As of September 2019 it is our 7 year anniversary and we are excited about the future. If you are a local Botox clinic or practitioner based in Boca Raton or Delray Beach, we would love to talk to you. We are also always happy to talk to local bloggers and influencers. The best way to reach out to us is on our contact us page.
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Botox – The Drug’s Unusual Start
While many people see Botox as the age defying drug that is a nearly non-invasive procedure. However, this famous drug did not start off as the wrinkle eraser, but rather the solution to fixing cross-eyes and uncontrollable blinking. As if Botox was not used to fix enough already, doctors are beginning clinical trials to help with irregular heartbeats. When someone suffers from an irregular heartbeat, it is due to [...]
WTF. Sleezy Botox Physician Barters Botox for Love
What is this world coming to. So apparently a few weeks ago at a local Chamber of Commerce event in New Jersey (Sleeze Bag capital of the USA) a surgeon attended and started collecting business cards. Well, the day after the event he sent out a mass emailed and cc'd everyone openly that he met at the Chamber event the night before. This surgeon really didn't give a shit [...]
Tatum O’Neal Looks Hawt After Botox
Well well well Ms O'Neal. So you thought you could go get some Botox without us knowing about it. We think NOT. Tatum's face dramatically changed recently after one of our Los Angeles Botox consultants had a look at her face. "You can clearly see that the lines in her face have smoothed out. Particularly the areas around her forehead and lips are much smoother." reports our Los Angeles [...]
Supermodel Twiggy Puts Botox On Blast
Countless celebrities have been under the harsh public criticism when it comes to plastic surgery. While photoshop could take part of the blame, it could also be from suggesting a few too many shots of Botox to the face. However, there is one celebrity who has accepted age for all it is worth, and if she chooses to go under the knife, it will be real cosmetic surgery rather [...]
Acting Like A Hater Will Make You Look Like One Too
As the spoof public service announcement "Bitchy Resting Face" went viral, many began pondering the idea that consistently looking angry will actually speed up your aging process. The video focuses on the "11's," which are the lines that rest between your eyebrows and are usually only seen when you are feeling worried or just pissed off. However, it turns out that the 11's, or the glabella lines, is one [...]