Boca Skin Blog

18 Celebrities Who Use Botox

We critique these 18 celebrities and their alleged Botox treatments.  All of these gals (and guys) are looking great and none of them have made our “wall of shame” aka Botox gone bad.  What I like best about these Hollywood A-listers is none of them went over the top.  All of them (well, maybe not 1-2 of them) have chosen to take the moderate route.  In a recent blog post we talked about Botox and how it can yield happiness/success – we’re glad to see Botox working for these celebrities and hope they continue to look good and feel good.  Enjoy!

cindy looking young as ever

courtney cox not a line on her face

fresh as a daisy

the hoff lookin like a stud

janice hardly looks the same

oh jenny, still lookin good

the mother of them all

kims had Bo since her teens

lara has some great work

linda has zero lines

lisa lookin good with her botox

stiff as a board

marie lookin great

nicole are you “kidman” me?

zero expression on Sharon

Simon can’t move his face!

Tom – not a line on his face

Vanessa looks very rested