Boca Skin Blog

We’re back.

They tried to stop us, but we won’t go away!

About a year ago, we received a very unfortunate letter from a major pharmaceutical company stating they were seizing our domain name. It was either that, or go to court.  After 5 years of blogging about health and beauty in one quick instant it was all over.

Luckily, we were able to keep most of our content (the blog entries) as well as a lot of the photos we’ve taken over the years.

Over the last month or so we’ve built a new website and gone through the process of getting all of our old content back online. This was a tedious process but it is now done and we are ready. We’ve also moved our “headquarters” (really just me) from Los Angeles, CA to Boca Raton, FL.

I am super pumped about this move, and happy about the fact that Boca is the LA of the South, in the sense that it has just as many (if not more) Botox doctors 🙂

I’m gonna keep this short for now, but stay tuned for more great posts and resources! We plan on doing some big things that no other beauty blogs are doing!