Boca Skin Blog

These Countries are Seeing a Surge in Male Botox Patients

Skin Clinic, a highly respected clinic in Kuwait has recently reported a surge in male patients seeking Botox and injectable fillers. In fact, a consultant from the clinic, Dr Ghanima Al-Omar, has stated that 35 percent of her clients are male!

Doctors in Kuwait are not the only ones reporting this surge in male clients. It’s a trend that is sweeping the entire Middle East so quickly that rates of Arab men seeking these types of cosmetic procedures have soared from just 5 percent to 25 percent. In the United Arab Emirates, 40 percent of patients seeking injectables and other cosmetic procedures are male. These numbers are kind of astonishing!

Looks like the stigma associated with men taking steps to enhance their looks is over! So come on guys, don’t be afraid of a little beauty! If you don’t like something about yourself, there is no shame in making a change.